lördag 4 april 2009

Birdman säger att Biggie,2Pac & Jay-Z inte kan mäta sig med Lil' Wayne

Rapparen/Chefen för cash money Records uttalade sig nyligen i Vibe om hur han tycker att Lil' Wayne är den bästa rapparen på jorden. Birdman eller Baby säger också hur varken 2Pac eller brooklynrapparna Biggie och Jay-Z kan mäta sig med Lil' Wayne's talang eller framgång. 

Läs citatet om Lil' Wayne:  

“He can rap, he can sing, he’s just an artist,” he says. “I don’t think no one will ever be greater [than Wayne] because I don’t think no one puts in the time or the quality. If someone do come along, can you imagine what he’ll have to do? He got to put out on thousand mixtapes, do a thousand records [and] sell 100 million records. 2Pac, Jay-Z and Biggie didn’t get to the shit Wayne’s done.”  

Dessutom säger han också att Wayne's album kommer uppenbarligen den 16-e juni, och kommer inte att vara något rockalbum som det har påståtts tidigare.

“It’s not a rock record,” said the Birdman in an interview. “That’s what I think people are getting misunderstood. When you speaking about a rock record, you think he’s got a guitar and everything, but it’s not that. It’s going to be some of those types of beats, but it’s just great music. I don’t think no artist can do what he about to get done. My son is a rock star.”